Converting Parse Biosciences Evercode™ data to be compatible with Cellenics® analysis software
In this article, we explain how to convert the files from Parse Bioscience's Evercode™ platform into the 10x format files, which you can upload directly in Cellenics®.

Converting CSV/TSV files to upload to Cellenics®
In this article, we’ll show how to convert CSV/TSV files to the features/barcodes/matrix format to be able to upload and analyze your data using Cellenics.

How to demultiplex a Seurat object and convert it to 10X files for analysis in Cellenics®
A brief tutorial written in R to demultiplex a Seurat object and convert it to 10X files, which can be directly uploaded to Cellenics®.

Converting H5 files for analysis in the open source scRNA-seq data visualization tool Cellenics®
In this article, we’ll show how to convert H5 files to the features/barcodes/matrix format to be able to upload and analyze your data using Cellenics while we work on adding native support for H5 files.

How to demultiplex a count matrix and convert it to Cellenics®-compatible 10X files
A brief tutorial written in R to demultiplex an rds object and convert it to 10x files (count matrices), which can be directly uploaded to Cellenics®.