Iva Babukova - Can Open Source Cure Cancer | Turing Fest 2021

Iva Babukova, our co-founder and Chief Technology Officer, spoke at Turing Fest 2021 about how our team at Biomage cut single-cell RNA sequencing data analysis from several months to a week and empowered every biologist to do it themselves.

We host a community instance of Cellenics® - a cloud-based analytics tool for scRNA-seq data. This software is fast and user-friendly, so biologists don't need to be bioinformatics experts or have prior coding experience to analyze single-cell data.

You can learn more about how we did it, what lessons we learned, and how we can apply them to other engineering challenges by listening to her story below or on the Turing Fest's website here: https://www.turingfest.com/videos/iva-babukova-can-open-source-cure-cancer


All rights to the audio-visual recording of the talk belong to © Turning Fest.